Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Path I've Chosen: The Primal Blueprint

As my blog title and description suggests, I am and have been addicted to carbs my whole life. My favorite foods have always consisted of: all kinds of breads (french bread and baked goods especially), pastas, chips/crackers with dip, and my ULTIMATE favorite, popcorn! Of course I have a soft spot for candy and ice cream, but first and foremost those aforementioned carbs are my kryptonite. Choice between French Toast or a Ham & Cheese Omelet; French Toast all the way! Time for lunch and I'm faced with the choice of Grilled Cheese or a Tossed Salad; bring on the cheesy buttery goodness! 

So why make the change and give up all my favorite, mouth-water inducing, "get. in. my. bellaaay" foods? The simple answer is to lose weight and look good. The more complex answer would be to get healthy and hopefully conquer some of my more obnoxious and persistant problems like psoriosis, my "night-owl" syndrome, chronic fatigue, "female problems", and lack of motivation to get off my butt and out of the house (walk the dogs, be more social, and do the things I need to do). 

There are many amazing varieties of the "caveman" diet, but I have chosen to follow Mark Sisson's "Primal Blueprint".  Throughout my blog I will use many of his findings, recipes, and articles as references (as well as other supporters of the primal/paleo lifestyle).

Will I miss scones, creamy pastas, dinner rolls, and chips? HECK YES!!!! Are you kidding? After 26 years of eating my favorites, it will take ALL my strength and will power to kick my addiction to carbs and sugar. There will be days of hair-pulling frustration and sadness, epic fails, and thoughts of giving up. BUT I know that if I can take it one day at a time and get through those tough days, things will get a little bit easier each day until I don't even bat a long, fabulous eyelash at my diet. 

This blog is meant to keep me accountable to myself and others by sharing my journey to a healthy lifestyle (the good and the bad days), to be a support and resource for others who are also on this journey or thinking about taking the leap, and to reach out and be a part of the Primal/Paleo Diet community.

Tomorrow marks the first day of the rest of my life living the Primal lifestyle! 

Stay Tuned!

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